From April 23-27, 2018, the Capitular Friars of the Province of Our Lady of the Angels in the USA gathered for their Ordinary Provincial Chapter in Buffalo, New York.
Friar Marco TASCA was the Praeses of the Chapter, and Friar Jude WINKLER, the Assistant General of the Conventual Franciscan Federation (CFF), was also present.
Other participants included Friar Ronaldo Gomes DA SILVA, who traveled from the Provincial Custody of the Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M. in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) and Friar Ciprian BUDĂU, who traveled from the Provincial Custody of Blessed Agnellus of Pisa in Great Britain-Ireland.
Friar James MCCURRY, who had been elected Minister Provincial by postal ballot, began his second term.
Friar Michael HEINE was selected as the Vicar Provincial and Friar Richard Jacob FORCIER began his second term as the Provincial Secretary. Friar Jude SUROWIEC, Tom PURCELL, Frank GRIMALDI, Gary JOHNSON and Ericson DE LA PEÑA were chosen as Definitors.
Friars Timothy KULBICKI and Jobe ABBASS were chosen as Delegates from the Province for the General Chapter.
Friar Nicholas ROKITKA was chosen as the Province Econom.
The friars will gather again in Buffalo on June 18 for the second part of their Chapter.
Friar Jude WINKLER, Assistant General for the CFF