In celebration of the 800th anniversary of the seraphic Father St. Francis receiving the stigmata, the Provincial Custody of Our Lady of Coromoto in Venezuela conducted its first theological-Franciscan formation meeting of the year, entitled, “The Event of the Stigmata: Historical and Theological Study.” The meeting was held at the Santíssima Trinidad Friary in Pueblo Llano, Venezuela.

The meeting was offered in two rounds, February 5-9 and April 1-5, 2024. Friars from the seven friaries of the Custody participated. This formation meeting also fulfilled Motions 1 §1 and 2 §4 of the 2023-2027 Four-Year Custodial Plan, which was drafted during the last Ordinary Custodial Chapter.
The Commission for initial and continuing formation in the Custody led the meeting, along with the Provincial Custos, Friar Franklin DURÁN ZAMBRANO. The meeting speakers were Friars José SUÁREZ ALEMÁN, Jesús RAMÍREZ DURÁN, Edgardo NÚÑEZ GALLARDO and Daniel BUSTAMANTE GUERRERO.

The topics were:

  1. Francis of Assisi Receiving the Stigmata, According to the Account in the Major Legend.
  2. The Stigmata, as Described by Brother Elias of Assisi to Brother Thomas of Celano.
  3. The Christology of Francis: Christ Poor, Humble and Crucified
  4. The Autographs of La Verna: The Praises of the Most High God and the Blessing to Brother Leo
  5. Francis of Assisi Receiving the Stigmata in Iconography
  6. La Verna: The Franciscan Sanctuary
  7. Appendix: The Recitation of the “Corda Pia” [a Franciscan Lenten devotion].

This formation meeting featured relational sharing as well as fraternal discussion and spirituality. The event ended with the recitation of the Corda Pia, which was a way of liturgically synthesizing the topics that had been reflected upon during the meeting.

Friar Juan MARTÍNEZ CANELÓN, Custodial Secretary