On October 20, 2020, the Provincial Custody of Our Lady of Coromoto in Venezuela conducted a second meeting for its Economs and Guardians. The event was led by Friar Deiby Antonio VERGARA PALENCIA (Custodial Econom) and Friar Franklin Antonio DURÁN ZAMBRANO (Provincial Custos).

Those attending the meeting included Friar Rogério PEREIRA XAVIER, Assistant General of the Federación América Latina Conventuales (FALC); Friar Vincenzo Maria GIANNELLI, Minister Provincial of the Province of St. Nicholas and St. Angelo in Italy (Puglia); Friar Carlos Ramón ORTÍZ ROJAS, Vicar Custos and Guardian of the San José de Cupertino Friary in Palmira; Friar Ángel Daniel MEDINA MORALES, Guardian of the Beata Virgen María Auxiliadora Friary in Barinas; Friar Juan Gregorio MARTÍNEZ CANELÓN, Custodial Secretary; Marisol ESCALANTE, Accountant; and the Friary Economs of the Custody.
Friar Rogério began the meeting with a philosophical-anthropological presentation on the current global economic crisis. He referred to Pope Francis’ encyclical Fratelli Tutti and speeches the Pope has made in recent months. Friar Rogério highlighted the importance of universal brotherhood in the face of today’s financial woes which stem from selfishness and indifference.
As Franciscans dealing with this phenomenon, we are called to create space for dialogue and fraternity, to propose a different way of thinking about and working with finances and to reflect and rethink the way in which the friars carry out their service as economs.
The participants also discussed, among other topics, the use of “Banana” accounting software, which is really an excellent tool for financial management.
The Minister Provincial intervened to remind everyone that our economy must be unitary, and that at House Chapters, the pastor must make a presentation on the parish finances, as a concrete way of carrying out financial transparency.
The Provincial Custos thanked the confreres for their service, and encouraged them to continue their work in terms of orderly and transparent finances, in accordance with our way of life and careful planning, since international charitable institutions require that we submit concrete and detailed plans.
Finally, the Custodial Econom informed the participants about various projects in the Custody—those that are completed and those still in progress. He also talked about those projects that had been approved or rejected by international charitable institutions.

Friar Juan Gregorio MARTÍNEZ CANELÓN Custodial Secretary