Renewal of Vows
On January 29, 2021, Friars José Fernando PAREDES RIVERA; Miguel Ángel SALCEDO SALCEDO; Gabriel José GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ; José Darío ROJAS ARAQUE; and Williams Gregorio SUÁREZ PAREDES renewed their simple profession. The friars belong to the Provincial Custody of the B.V.M. of Coromoto in Venezuela and the ceremony took place at the San José de Cupertino Formation House in Palmira, Venezuela.
The celebration was presided over by the Provincial Custos, Friar Franklin Antonio DURÁN ZAMBRANO. He exhorted the friars to persevere on the path of formation and discipleship towards their definitive consecration to God. He stressed that they should always keep their hearts and minds open to His grace and open to the guidance of their formators while they attend the school of the Poor and Crucified Christ, in obedience, with nothing of their own and in chastity.
Ad Tempus Reopening of the Novitiate in Venezuela
After being closed for ten years, the novitiate was reopened on February 2, 2021, for a period of one year, at the Santíssima Trinidad Friary in Pueblo Llano. This is in keeping with the special permission granted by the Minister General, Friar Carlos A TROVARELLI.
The reopening took place as part of the liturgical feast of the Presentation of the Lord and the World Day of Consecrated Life. The Mass was presided over by Friar Franklin. A number of confreres participated, namely Friars José Luis AVENDAÑO MONSALVE; Orlando José OVIEDO TORRES; Jesús Aléxer RAMÍREZ DURÁN; Manuel Edgardo NÚÑEZ GALLARDO; Oscar O. RODRIGARAZ MOLINA; Domicio Ramón MOLINA PÉREZ; Deiby Antonio VERGARA PALENCIA; and Juan G. MARTÍNEZ CANELÓN. Others attending included the relatives of the novices and the faithful from the Santíssima Trinidad Church in Pueblo Llano.
In his homily, the Custos exhorted the novices and their formators to live this year of grace with docility of spirit, so that God’s grace may act freely in their lives and be a light for others. He also stated that the reopening of the novitiate is an important event for the Custody. Usually, men in formation are sent to other novitiate houses in the Federación América Latina Conventuales (FALC) or other canonically erected houses. The Minister General granted this exception due to the current restrictions against the pandemic.
After completing their postulancy program at the San José de Cupertino Formation House in Palmyra, the men now beginning their canonical novitiate year are Friars Daniel JEREZ; Alejandro OLIVAR; Friar Deiby MEDINA; Cristian TERAN; and Ozmar CHACÓN. They are under the guidance of their Novice Master, Friar Jesús Aléxer RAMÍREZ DURÁN and the Assistant Novice Master Friar Manuel Edgardo NÚÑEZ GALLARDO.
Friar Juan Gregorio MARTÍNEZ CANELÓN, Custodial Secretary