On October 11-13, 2019, Friar Daniele BROCCA, the Custos of the Provincial Custody of St. Leopold and St. Nicolas of Flüe in Austria-Switzerland, accompanied Friar Dominique MATHIEU the Assistant General for the Centralis Europae Foederatio (CEF) during his visit to the multicultural and welcoming fraternities of the friaries of Vienna, Asparn and Neunkirchen in Lower Austria, and Graz in the State of Styria [southeastern Austria].
On October 14-16, the Assistant General participated in the sessions of the Custodial Definitory held at the friary in Vienna, with the aim of better understanding the social and ecclesial context in which the friars live and work and to prepare for the next Chapter Assembly scheduled for early 2020.
On Tuesday, October 15, the newly elected Minister Provincial of the Province of St. Elizabeth in Germany, Friar Andreas MURK, joined the Definitory sessions in view of the indiction and planning of the Ordinary Custodial Chapter. On Wednesday, October 16, the Definitory and the Guardians of the Custody gathered to discuss patrimonial and financial issues with their tax consultant.
Friar Dominique MATHIEU, Assistant General for the CEF