On Wednesday, June 24, 2020, the friars of the Province of St. Joseph in Slovenia went on a fraternal outing.
The outing was enhanced by the presence of Friar Dominique MATHIEU, the Assistant General for the Centralis Europae Foederatio (CEF). Twenty-six friars attended. Friar Dominique was finally able to make his fraternal visit to Slovenia after spending the last three months in Vienna, due to Covid-19.
The day began at the Friary of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe in Ljubljana, where the Minister Provincial, Friar Igor SALMIČ blessed the restored refectory. After breakfast, the participants went to the Marian Shrine of Kurešček, situated on a hill near Ljubljana. While there, they prayed Midday Prayer and were given a historical and spiritual explanation of the Shrine by its keeper, Father Anton KOŠIR (Salesian). Afterwards, they had lunch in Jezero (a tourist spot near the lake of the same name) where they celebrated the name days and anniversaries of various friars.
Grateful for the blessing of beautiful weather on their fraternal outing, the friars said goodbye to each other and returned to their communities, giving thanks to God for the gift of brothers.
Friar Danilo HOLC, Provincial Secretary