The Conventual Franciscan Province of St. Francis in Brazil, based in Santo André (São Paulo), celebrated its Extraordinary Provincial Chapter.
The event was held October 15-19, 2018, at the São Francisco Retreat Center in Rondinha (Paraná). Those present included the Vicar General of the Order, Friar Jerzy NOREL; the Assistant General for the Federación América Latina Conventuales (FALC), Friar Carlos TROVARELLI; and the General Exactor, Friar Wojciech KULIG.
The Chapter was convened by the Minister Provincial, Friar Aloisio Antonio DE OLIVEIRA with the timely aim of analyzing and making decisions about a Provincial enterprise whose juridical title is “Franciscan Services of Evangelization”. The Chapter’s next goal was to revise the Regulations of the Provincial Administration and to update some numbers in the Provincial Statutes.
During its nearly seventy years of existence, the Province has developed an important tradition carrying out evangelization and human promotion projects aimed at proclaiming the Gospel, nourishing faith and devotion, teaching and transmitting the Franciscan charism and caring for the most needy in society. However, momentous changes have been taking place that have compelled the confreres to start renewing and updating. This was an important focus of the Chapter, indeed, it was a true turning point, in terms of the style of Province works and the way they are managed. This new style of management favors a more community-oriented approach, a more synodal discernment and a more professional administration in order to deal with current historical circumstances.
In addition, the Chapter provided some valuable time for strengthening fraternal bonds, praying together and discussing life in the Province and its ongoing initiatives. During the week, the friars celebrated some anniversaries of priestly ordination, as well as some birthdays.
The last session of the Chapter was dedicated to listening to the Vicar General, who reported on some aspects of the life of the Order, in particular, the events of the very recent Extraordinary General Chapter which undertook the revision of the Constitutions.
Friar Carlos TROVARELLI, Assistant General for the FALC