On May 5, 2024, the Diocese of Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil held a youth convention.
The theme of the convention was: “Rooted in Him and Built upon Him and Established in the Faith” (Col 2:7). The many young people who attended were also accompanied by the friars of the post-novitiate in Petrópolis, namely, Friars Ytalo Weslley PEREIRA GUERRA, Arildo Junior ALMEIDA MAGALHÃES and Breno DE ASSIS SICILIANO, all members of the Province of St. Francis in Brazil. The friars encouraged vocations by their great joy, fraternity and prayer and by spreading the Conventual Franciscan charism through posters, images and moments of brotherly conversation.
The Most Reverend Joel PORTELLA AMADO, Bishop of Petropólis, presided over the Mass at the convention and invited all young people to experience the love of Christ, so that when someone says “I love you”, the response is “I love you, too.”
May God shower His blessing upon all young people and upon the entire Order of Friars Minor Conventual.
Friar Willian Gomes MENDONÇA