On September 17-18, 2019, the friars of the Provincial Custody of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe in Canada held the second part of their Ordinary Custodial Chapter at the Church of Our Lady of Częstochowa in Montreal, Canada.
Friar Józef BŁASZAK, the Provincial Custos, presided at the Chapter, with Friar Tomasz RYŁKO, the Vicar Provincial of the Province of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe in Poland (Gdańsk) and Friar Jude WINKLER, the Assistant General for the Conventual Franciscan Federation (CFF), also present.
The friars discussed their presence in the various sites and the apostolates in which they minister. They will continue this discussion in preparation for an Extraordinary Chapter in 2021.
Friar Józef BŁASZAK was named the Guardian of the Our Lady of Częstochowa Friary in Montreal; Friar Dariusz SZURKO was named the Guardian of the Holy Trinity Friary in Montreal; Friar Adam ZAWACKI, the Guardian of the St. Michael Friary in Montreal; and Friar Wacław SOKOŁOWSKI, the Guardian of the St. John Kanty Friary in Clifton, New Jersey, USA.
The friars discussed and approved a motion to designate the Our Lady of Częstochowa Friary in South Boston, Massachusetts, USA, as a site to welcome friars who would like to spend a Sabbatical from their work in the missions and for friar students from throughout the Order (to learn English and pursue various other studies).
Friar Jude WINKLER, Assistant General for the CFF