On March 6-10, 2023, the formators of the Federación América Latina Conventuales (FALC) met at the San Antonio de Padua Friary in Bogotà, Colombia.

The purpose of the meeting was to get together again after the pandemic and do some planning. Those attending included friars from Province of St. Francis in Brazil (São Paulo); the Provincial Custody of the Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M. in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro); the Province of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe in Brazil (Brasilia); the Provincial Custody of St. Bonaventure in Brazil (Maranhão); the Provincial Custody of Our Lady of Coromoto in Venezuela; the Provincial Delegation of St. Anthony of Padua in Ecuador, the Provincial Custody of St. Francis of Assisi in Colombia; the Provincial Delegation in Paraguay; the “Rioplatense” Province of St. Anthony of Padua in Argentina-Uruguay; the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico and the Provincial Custody of Mary, Mother of Mercy in Central America. The friars from Cuba, Peru, Chile and Bolivia were unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances.
The meeting took place in a warm, fraternal atmosphere with several highlights, such as, a presentation on the host country, a presentation on the formation status of various Jurisdictions, an analysis conducted in small groups regarding current issues directly affecting formation, including challenges in the area of vocations and formation, the appropriate use of social networks, and treating and preventing of different types of abuse.
Others present included Friar Michael LASKY, General Delegate for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC), Friar Piotr STANISŁAWCZYK and Friar Maximilianus SEMBIRING of the General Secretariat for Formation (SGF), as well as an on-line connection with the General Assistant for the FALC Federation, Friar Rogerio PEREIRA XAVIER. Each of these presentations greatly enriched the meeting. Near the end of the meeting, the FALC Secretary for Formation was elected, Friar Marcio Rolando MATUTE BERDE of the Custody of Central American.
This was a very positive and helpful meeting for friars serving as formators.
The participants were grateful to God for the successful outcome of this meeting. Special thanks go to Friar Sidifredo de la Cruz CHAPARRO GUALDRÓN, the Custos of Colombia and current FALC President, and all of the friars of Colombia for their fraternal hospitality.