On July 14, 2024, Friar José Danilo JIMÉNEZ RINCÓN, a member of the Custody of St. Francis of Assisi in Colombia, professed his simple vows in the Order of Friars Minor Conventual. The ceremony took place at the San Antonio de Padua Friary in Bogotá, Colombia.
Friar Sidifredo de la Cruz CHAPARRO GUALDRÓN, the Custos of Colombia, presided over the Mass together with many friars from all around the Custody who concelebrated.
The Provincial Custos exhorted those present, especially the newly professed, to accept the Lord’s invitation; to feel that they are chosen, like the Prophet Amos, to be the Lord’s instrument for others, despite the human frailties and needs of today’s society. In the same way, we are invited to commit ourselves to the Lord Jesus and to the building of His Kingdom. Thus, we are called, like the apostles, to be His disciples and missionaries, living soberly in fraternal communion, following the example of St. Francis of Assisi and the early Franciscan community.
We entrust the life and vocation of Friar José Danilo to our Good Lord, so that with courage and fidelity he may continue to live out his vocation in our Conventual Franciscan family.