Communique 9 (2018-08-22)

The General Chapter has completed its work on Chapter VI, “The Governance of the Order”. The text of the Instrumentum Laboris for the entire chapter was substantially affirmed, with a number of minor editorial changes. There are several changes: the number which deals with the extraordinary power of the Minister General and his Definitory to name a Minister Provincial and his Definitory, was moved from the title regarding offices to the title regarding the Provincial Chapter; a paragraph was added to make more explicit the authority to remove a Guardian; and the Chapter opted for a minimum number of three friars in each Friary. As we approach the conclusion of the Chapter, we are nearing 800 votes.

Friar Timothy Kulbicki, OFM Conv.
General Secretary of the Chapter

Communique 8 (2018-08-20)

The General Chapter has completed its work on Chapter V, “The Formation of the Friars”. The text of the Instrumentum Laboris for the entire chapter of the text was affirmed, with a number of minor editorial changes.
The General Chapter also passed a resolution affirming the ongoing planning for a Franciscan University at Rome of the three Franciscan families of the First Order, and encouraging the swift completion of the process.
We have now voted over 600 times with final chapter, regarding the governance of the Order, still remaining.

Friar Timothy Kulbicki, OFM Conv.
General Secretary of the Chapter

Communique 7 (2018-08-17)

The General Chapter has completed its work on Chapter IV, “The Mission of the Friars”. The text of the Instrumentum Laboris for the Spiritual Introduction and Title One (The Foundation of the Mission and Activity of the Friars) was adopted, with some minor textual changes.
The Instrumentum Laboris for Title Two (The Scope of the Mission and Activity of the Friars) was also substantially accepted, with the addition of a new paragraph regarding Franciscan ecology.
The Instrumentum Laboris for Title Three (The Organization of the Mission and Activity of the Friars) was also substantially accepted, with the exception of the process for accepting care of a parish, which reverted to the current text. Title Four (The Mission of the Friars ad Gentes) was revised to give further attention to mission ad gentes.
We have now voted over 500 times.

Friar Timothy Kulbicki, OFM Conv.
General Secretary of the Chapter

Communique 6 (2018-08-16)

The General Chapter has completed its work on Chapter Three, Fraternal Life in Communion.
The text of the Instrumentum Laboris was substantially adopted for the entire chapter, with the exception: the Capitulars voted to return the text on the Sacred Convent in Assisi to Title IV of Chapter I regarding the structure of the Order, and voted to retain the current Constitution’s paragraph regarding common meals and recreation.
A number of slight changes also were made to several paragraphs. On Friday afternoon the Recording Secretary informed the Chapter that we have already voted over four hundred times.

Friar Timothy Kulbicki, OFM Conv.
General Secretary of the Chapter

Communique 5 (2018-08-10)

The General Chapter has completed its work on Chapter Two, The Life of Union with God, the shortest chapter of the Constitutions.
The text of the Instrumentum Laboris was substantially adopted for the entire chapter, with the exception of the naming of Title III. A number of slight modifications were made throughout the text.
The Chapter opted for the alternative in Title Two which did not obligate temporarily-professed friars to the entirety of the Liturgy of the Hours in private; instead, it modified the language of the other alternative, obliging temporarily-professed friars to the private prayer of Morning and Evening Prayer, while encouraging the rest of the Liturgy of the Hours.

Friar Timothy Kulbicki, OFM Conv.
General Secretary of the Chapter

Communique 4 (2018-08-09)

The General Chapter has completed its work on the rest of Chapter One, The Profession of the Rule.
In Title III, regarding the vows, the text of the Instrumentum Laboris was substantially adopted, with the exception of the paragraph dealing with perseverance in vocation and the introductory descriptive paragraph of the vow of obedience; in those numbers, the text of the current Constitutions remains in force. Slight revisions were also made to several other paragraphs.
In Title IV regarding the structure of the Order, the text of the Instrumentum Laboris was also substantially adopted. The Chapter opted for the alternative text which does not require temporary transfiliation into another Province or Custody in whose territory a friar might be living and working. In addition, it modified the paragraph regarding the definition of territoriality, as well as the paragraph regarding the erection of a Friary.

Friar Timothy Kulbicki, OFM Conv.
General Secretary of the Chapter

Communique 3 (2018-08-06)

The General Chapter has completed its work on Title Two of Chapter One, The Profession of the Rule.
The text of the Instrumentum Laboris was substantially adopted, with the exception of the paragraph dealing with the General Chapter’s role in enacting legislation; in that number, the text of the current Constitutions remains in force. Revisions were also made to the paragraph of studying the Rule and Franciscan sources, as well as to the paragraph dealing with the right to dispense from the disciplinary norms of the Constitutions, which would now include the Custos.

Friar Timothy Kulbicki, OFM Conv.
General Secretary of the Chapter

Communique 2 (2018-08-04)

General Chapter has completed its work on Title One of Chapter One, The Principles of the Charism of the Order.
The text of the Instrumentum Laboris was substantially adopted, with some revision to the opening paragraph and to the paragraph describing conventuality.
The General Chapter opted to include language regarding the clerical nature of the Order in Chapter I. The General Chapter further added a new paragraph concerning the Marian nature of the Order, and another paragraph clarifying the type of vows we profess. A new paragraph regarding the Kolbean heritage of the Order is in the draft stage, and may, if and when accepted, be placed in Chapter I.

Friar Timothy Kulbicki, OFM Conv.
General Secretary of the Chapter

Communique 1 (2018-08-03)

Among the first acts of the General Chapter was the presentation of, discussion upon, and adoption of an Ordo Procedendi, a series of guidelines designed to facilitate the thorough discussion of the texts of the Instrumentum Laboris, and the manner of voting and amending these texts.
In this sometimes laborious task, the friar capitulars are well into their discussion of Chapter I, “The Gospel Life of the Friars”.
They have already completed work on the Spiritual Introduction. The General Chapter accepted the whole of the Spiritual Introduction as presented in the Instrumentum Laboris, with the additional insertion of a text from St. Francis of Assisi’s third admonition.

Friar Timothy Kulbicki, OFM Conv.
General Secretary of the Chapter