Eight years have passed since the last edition of the General Album was published. Now, a new printed edition has arrived. The new General Album presents the demographic information of the Order worldwide, updated to April 30, 2019.
This date is not accidental, it was requested by the Minister General and his Definitory in order to know the statistical status of the Order at the end of the current mandate (2013 -19) and before the 2019 Ordinary General Chapter.
This work was urgently called for because the Order changes almost from one day to the next, in terms of both Jurisdictions and individual members. Even if some of the Album’s entries become outdated, they still provide a snapshot of the Order at that given moment, despite the chronological march of time.
We want to thank all the friars, especially the Secretaries of the various Jurisdictions. The work they conducted helped make the Album as current as possible.
The volume has been divided into the following sections:
I. Names and addresses of office holders in the General Curia.
II. Jurisdictions, according to Federation, which includes Provinces, Custodies, Delegations and missions. Simply and solemnly professed friars of the Provinces and Custodies are also listed here.
III. Presences of the Order. These are presented in one of two ways: The first lists presences according to
the countries and Jurisdictions in which they are found. The second lists the presences in alphabetical order. This section begins with a table showing the names of countries in each of the four official languages of the Order and in the language of the country itself.
IV. Professed friars in our Order, listed in alphabetical order.
V. Bishops in our Order.
VI. A necrology listing the deceased friars of the Order, starting from January 1, 1960, up until April 30, 2019.
VII. An appendix containing two lists:
– The first lists the Second Order monasteries aggregated to our Order (those belonging to the
Federation of Urbanist Poor Clares, and others outside of the Federation);
– The second lists the Institutes aggregated to our Order.
VIII. General index.
Brothers, this volume is meant to facilitate knowledge of our religious family. To that end we hope it will be used to foster even greater fraternity among us! May God grant us his peace!
Finally, we would like to inform you that personal statistics, such as the dates of professions, ordinations, permissions, dispensations and deaths, are no longer collected by the Office of Statistics. They are now collected by the General Office of Communications, which was created by the Minister General in December of 2016. Therefore, we ask readers to email any corrections, changes or suggestions to: web@ofmconv.net. Everything will be placed in a corrections insert (corrigendum) to rectify the text. An amended version of the text will be shortly reissued in electronic form.
Due to the nature of the Album’s content, the quantity and specificity of its personal data, the Album shall not be made available on the website of the Order. It is our fraternal recommendation that the Album be used for internal use only, namely, within the bounds of our religious family.
General Office for Communications [UGC]