On November 8-11, 2021, the Provincial Delegation in Ecuador conducted a Delegation Assembly.

The Assembly took place at a house of the Franciscan Sisters in Quito and was presided over by the Provincial Delegate, Friar Michał PAGA.
On the first day, the friars attended a retreat led by Father Juan ROMERO, a Spanish priest connected with Opus Dei.
During the Assembly, some urgent issues were discussed, such as the formation of postulants and clerical students; the financial situation at each of the friaries; future investments; problems the mission is facing; and the lack of personnel at the friary in Shushufindi. The friars set the dates of the events for the coming year and addressed many issues related to the activities of the Delegation.
Besides being a formal occasion, the Assembly was also a fraternal event that allowed all the friars to meet with each other, something which is difficult to achieve during the pastoral year. The solemnly professed who took part in the fraternal meeting were able to get to know the friars in initial formation.
During the work of the Assembly, the friars also got to meet online with the Minister Provincial, Friar Wojciech KULIG, who updated them, first hand, about problems facing the Order and the Province of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe in Poland (Gdańsk). The friars were also able to share with him the daily difficulties they face in their missionary service.