On April 23-29, 2018, a Formators’ Assembly and the first meeting of the Commission for the common novitiate was conducted by the Secretary General of the General Secretariat for Formation (SGF), Friar Louis PANTHIRUVELIL. Assisting him was Friar Emanuele RIMOLI, SGF member and Seraphicum formator.
Both meetings took place at the St. Joseph friary in Tagaytay City, in the Philippines. The St. Joseph friary houses the postulancy program of the Provincial Custody of the Immaculate Conception and Blessed Bonaventure of Potenza in the Philippines as well as the common novitiate for the Federation of Asian Minors Conventual (FAMC).
The Formators’ Assembly (April 23-27) saw the participation of formators from various Jurisdictions: the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Korea and Sri Lanka. The Assembly was aimed at ongoing formation and tackled theological, Franciscan and educational themes. A fraternal atmosphere, made more so by the welcoming reception of the Filipino friars and an awareness of the urgent need to deal with formation issues, fostered frank and meaningful discussion not only on organizational issues but also on the blessings of this ministry, on relational difficulties with those being formed, and communication with the Jurisdiction and between formators on the same team.
One topic that emerged was the urgent need for formation for formators. This would help the formators avoid superficial improvisation and handle cultural diversities in which language plays a considerable role. It would deepen their knowledge of Franciscan spirituality and foster more creative inculturation regarding countries of origin. There was also the question of affectivity in forming a mature and human identity and being creative in proposing topics or formation styles adapted to the times, for example, manual labor or technical specializations in addition to theology.
When the Assembly’s work was finished, the second meeting of the week spontaneously got underway. This was the first meeting of the Commission for the common novitiate (April 28-29). Its goal was to prepare a formation directory. The participants included Friar Benedict BAEK (Assistant General for the FAMC), FAMC Secretary Friar Luke VŨ from the Delegation of Vietnam; Friars Francis MATEO, Emmanuel GIVA and Matthew FARAON from the Philippines; Friar Martin PALLIKKARA from India and a missionary in Sri Lanka; and Friar James PHAN from Vietnam. The Commission, chaired by Friar Francis MATEO, first examined the progress of the novitiate in its current set-up, retraced its history, and subsequently examined various issues and concrete problems in view of stimulating collaboration between the Jurisdictions and the formators.
The work of drafting the formation directory will continue for the next few months. The secretaries of the Commission, Friars Luke, Martin and Emmanuel, will meet again to make evaluations and comparisons. In September the Commission will deliver a draft of the directory to the SGF. After appropriate revisions are made, it will be presented to the General Definitory for further evaluation and final approval.
After the meetings, the SGF Secretary personally met with the formators and novices of the common novitiate. This novitiate year will end next August. There are currently eight novices from three Jurisdictions who are preparing for temporary profession in their respective Jurisdictions. Two novices come from the mission in Sri Lanka, three from the Custody of the Philippines and three from the Delegation of Vietnam.
Friar Louis PANTHIRUVELIL SGF General Secretary