On June 18-22, 2018, the Provincial Custody of St. Anthony of Padua in Ghana, of the Italian Province of St. Anthony of Padua (Northern Italy) celebrated its Ordinary Custodial Chapter in Saltpond, Ghana (Africa).
Thirty friars of the Custody took part in this fraternal assembly, together with Friar Giovanni VOLTAN, the Minister Provincial of Padua and Friar Tadeusz ŚWIĄTKOWSKI, the Assistant General for the African Federation of Conventual Franciscans (AFCOF). Friar Valerio FOLLI, the Provincial Secretary for the Missions was also present.
The Capitulars first evaluated the state of the Custody and its ministries during the last four-year term. Then on June 20, Friar Anthony Kutiero BEZO was re-elected Provincial Custodian on the first ballot. On Thursday, June 21, the Definitors were elected at the end of the regular voting session. They are Friar Eugene ANTWI-BOASIAKO – Custodial Vicar, 2nd term; Friar Isaac FRIMPONG – Custodial Secretary, 2nd term; Friar David Marion KWAW – Custodial Definitor, 2nd term; and Friar Martino CORAZZIN – Custodial Definitor, 2nd term.
Our Order has been present in Ghana since 1977. The Provincial Custody was erected in 1994. Since then, the Custody has been led by three Custodes: Friars Vincenzo MARCOLI, Emilio GALLO and Bortolino MAISTRELLO.
Currently the Provincial Custody of Ghana has thirty solemnly professed friars (twenty-five from Ghana, four from Italy and one from Romania). The custody has thirty-five simply professed friars, twelve novices and nineteen postulants (eleven first-year postulants and eight second-year postulants). The friars are distributed among five friaries (Takoradi, Accrà, Saltpond, Sunyani and Elmina). The friars serve in the following areas: mass-media (printing and publishing), vocation formation, parish ministry at three parishes, education, health ministry (a national level commitment to eradicate leprosy) and charity towards the neediest.
The second part of the Chapter is dedicated to planning the future of the Custody. It will begin on June 26, 2018.
Friar Tadeusz ŚWIĄTKOWSKI Assistant General for the AFCOF