On August, 5, 2023, the Provincial Custody of St. Anthony of Padua in Ghana was blessed to have three friars make their solemn profession of vows. The ceremony took place at the St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Awoshie-Anyaa, Accra, Ghana.
The solemnly professed are Friars Aaron Melchizedek ABOAH, Emmanuel SOR and Anthony Romanus DONKOH. The Provincial Custos, Friar Vitus Edem Yao MENSAH, received their vows. Others present included the Vicar Custos, Friar Emmanuel Kofi OCRAN, members of the Custodial Definitory; friars from the various communities of the Custody; diocesan clergy from the Archdiocese of Accra and surroundings; men and women religious; and the family members of the three friars. The celebration was colorful and well attended by many friends and benefactors. In his homily, the Custos advised the friars to see their profession of solemn vows as a blessing and to be representatives of the quality of the Franciscan presence in Ghana and beyond. We are grateful to God for calling more laborers to his harvest and we pray that these brothers of ours might give positive witness to others through their actions and words.
Friar Francis Pascal AFFUM, Custodial Secretary