A long awaited dream of the Province of St. Maximilian Kolbe in India has finally become a reality. On Sunday, August 25, 2019, the newly built formation house of the Province called the St. Bonaventure Franciscan Ashram, in Bangalore, was inaugurated and blessed by Friar Carlos Alberto Trovarelli, the 120th Minister General of the Order.
The blessing ceremony began at 5:30 p.m., with a wholehearted welcome from Friar Kuriakose MATTATHIL, OFM Conv., the Director of the formation house. This was followed by the lighting of the lamp. Then the Minister General officially inaugurated the formation house by cutting a ribbon. He then blessed the formation house with holy water. Others present at the ceremony included Friar Benedict BAEK, the Assistant General for the Federation of Asian Minors Conventual (FAMC); Friar James MCCURRY, the Minister Provincial of the Our Lady of the Angels Province in the USA; Friar Leo PAYYAPPILLY, the Minister Provincial of the St. Maximilian Kolbe Province in India; and various invited guests. Afterwards, everyone moved to the refectory for the second part of the ceremony. Friar James MCCURRY gave an inspiring speech and blessed the cross that will be placed on the refectory wall. At the end, the Minister General conferred his solemn blessing on all present and Friar Leo PAYYAPPILLY gave thanks to Almighty God and to all those who helped realize this precious dream of the Province. The event concluded with a sumptuous dinner which gave everyone an opportunity to share the joy of the day.
Friar Carlos will be participating in the Fourth Ordinary Provincial Chapter of the Province of St. Maximilian Kolbe in India. The Chapter will be held September 1-5, 2019, at the Provincialate, also known as the Assisi Shanthi Kendra, in Karukutty. On other days, Friar Carlos will be visiting other formation houses of the Province. He will depart India on Saturday, September 7.
From the Provincial Secretariat