On Monday, October 14, 2019, the Province of St. Francis of Assisi in Kenya started the second part of its first Ordinary Provincial Chapter. The Chapter took place at the Friary of Mary Mother of God, in the National Shrine of Subukia, Kenya. The newly elected Minister Provincial, Friar Obed KAROBIA, presided over the Chapter. The Delegate of the Minister General, Friar Tadeusz ŚWIĄTKOWSKI participated along with thirty-five solemnly professed members of the Province.
The Chapter was held in a fraternal, joyful atmosphere and conducted with a great sense of commitment. The Capitulars examined the life of the communities and the various apostolates being carried out, namely, vocation promotion; the formation of candidates and young friars, the operation of spiritual centers and retreat houses, the pastoral care of pilgrims at the Shrine of Subukia, efforts in Mass Media and publishing, the running of medical centers and a center for street children, the education of young people in schools, the teaching of philosophy and theology in universities, parish ministry, etc.
After some discussion, the Provincial Four-Year Plan (PPQ) was approved. In addition, a number of decisions were made:
1. To promote the missionary spirit among the friars and the faithful in the pastoral centers of the Province, particularly at the Shrine of Subukia.
2. To open other presences in order to better serve the Church in Kenya and to promote the Franciscan charism.
3. To define the contribution each community and friar should make towards the funds of the Order and the needs of the Province itself.
During the last session, the Chapter elected the following Guardians: Ruiri – Friar Blasio OLENGE; Nairobi Lang’ata – Friar Raymond OGUTU; Nairobi South C – Friar Leonard WAMBUI; Limuru – Friar Paul MAKEMBO; Subukia – Friar Kazimierz SZULC; Kikambala – Friar Joseph KUIRA; and Chepseon – Friar Stephen GATIMU.
The Chapter concluded with prayer for the friars of the Mother Provinces of Warsaw and Gdansk who died during the last four years.