On September 17-19, 2021, the National Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order (OFS) in Lithuania held an elective Chapter at the Hill of Crosses Friary (Friars Minor) near Šiauliai, Lithuania.
The Chapter began during the afternoon of September 17, the feast of the Stigmata of St. Francis. The OFS Minister General, Tibor KAUSER, spoke to the Chapter about the general situation of the Secular Franciscan Order around the world. Friar Alfred PARAMBAKATHU, OFM Conv., General Spiritual Assistant, gave a presentation entitled “Hill of Crosses – La Verna”.
The elective session of the Chapter took place during the afternoon of September 18. Of the twenty-eight Capitulars convoked, twenty-three attended, along with two National Assistants and three Regional Assistants. Virginija MICKUTE was elected to her third term as National Minister and was later elected International Councilor. The new National Council was installed later that evening, during Mass presided over by Friar Alfred.
The whole National Chapter took place in an atmosphere of deep prayer, devotion and fraternal love.
On September 24-26, 2021, OFS National Fraternity in Sweden held an elective Chapter at the Marielunds Stiftgård Diocesan Center near Stockholm, Sweden.
The OFS Minister General, Tibor KAUSER delegated Michel VERSTEEGH, International Councilor of the Netherlands, to preside over the elective session of the Chapter. Friar Alfred PARAMBAKATHU, OFM Conv., General Spiritual Assistant, attended the Chapter on behalf of the Conference of OFS Spiritual Assistants (CAS).
On Friday, September 24, the first day of the Chapter, Michel VERSTEEGH gave a presentation entitled “The Role of the National Council in Facilitating the National Fraternty.”
On Saturday morning, September 25, the elective session took place. Of the eighteen Capitulars convoked, eleven attended, along with two National Spiritual Assistants. Tomislav AZDAJIC was elected to his second consecutive term as National Minister and Georg STENBORG was elected International Councilor. The new National Council was installed later that day during Evening Prayer.
On Sunday morning, September 26, Friar Alfred gave a presentation entitled “The Transitus: Towards Reconciliation.”
Friar Alfred PARAMBAKATHU, OFS General Spiritual Assistant