Saturday, February 15, 2025
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Tag: Sweden


Sweden: 50th Anniversary of Parish in Jönköping and Consecration of Church...

The first Sunday of Advent, December 1, 2024, was a day of special celebrations in the life of the Conventual Franciscan parish in Jönköping,...

Conventual Franciscan Presences around the World (VI)

Mission in Sweden  Mother Province: Province of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe in Poland (Gdańsk)  The Franciscans (then called gråbröder or gray brothers) arrived in Sweden as...

The Minister General Visits the Friars of the Mission in Sweden

On February 1-4, 2024, the Minister General, Friar Carlos TROVARELLI, visited the friars in Sweden for the first time in his mandate. Our friars have...

Sweden: Fraternal Visit

On November 28-29, 2021, Friar Igor SALMIČ, the Assistant General for the Centralis Europae Foederatio (CEF) visited our confreres in Sweden. He was accompanied...

Lithuania – Sweden: OFS National Elective Chapters

On September 17-19, 2021, the National Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order (OFS) in Lithuania held an elective Chapter at the Hill of Crosses...

Born Three Times

Despite two bereavements, a serious illness, and an accident that left him in a wheelchair, Friar Tullio PASTORELLI looks the world straight in the...
Maria Francesco Hwan-seok SEONG

South Korea: Solemn Profession

On Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at 2:00 p.m., Friar Maria Francesco Hwan-seok SEONG of the Province of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe in South Korea,...

SGAM and SGF – Meetings in Oxford and Dublin

On February 8-11, 2025, Friar Dariusz MAZUREK, the Secretary General for the General Secretariat for Mission Animation (SGAM) together with Friar Piotr STANISŁAWCZYK, the...

Poland-Cracow: New Acolytes and Lectors

On Sunday, February 9, 2025, in the Conventual Franciscan Basilica in Cracow, four clerical student friars received the ministry of Lector (Friars Dariusz DZIUBACKI,...

Venezuela: Solemn Profession of Friar Gabriel

On Saturday, February 8, 2025, for the glory of God and the good of the Church and the Order, the friars of the Provincial...