On June 3-8, 2024, a retreat for people suffering from cancer was held at the friary in Niepokalanów Lasek, Poland. The friary is a presence of the Province of the Immaculate Mother of God in Poland (Warsaw). The theme of the retreat was: “The World Will Not Understand My Pain, Only the Lord God, When He Embraces Me.”
About thirty people participated in the retreat, which was led by Friar Stanisław Maria PIĘTKA. The highlight of each day was Mass with a homily. The retreat also offered Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Morning and Evening Prayer, and meditations on suffering. The participants also had the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick and to be consecrated in the Militia of the Immaculata.
In the end, everyone got to talk about their experiences during the hour set aside for bearing witness. Moreover, they had a joyful time together during the evening.
The participants formed a large family, in which each member found his or her own place alongside the Immaculate Mother and her suffering Son Jesus.
Sister Teresa Maria GRABOŃ