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Turkey-Lebanon: Presentation on the New Constitutions
Friar Timothy KULBICKI, the Secretary of the International Commission for the Revision of the Constitutions (CIRC) visited the friars of the Provincial Custody of...
End of the 201st Extraordinary General Chapter
Now that the 201st Extraordinary General Chapter for the revision of the Constitutions has concluded, it is time to summarize the work that was...
from the General Secretary of the Chapter
Communique 9: (2018-08-22) – The General Chapter has completed its work on Chapter VI, “The Governance of the Order”. The text of the Instrumentum Laboris for the entire chapter was substantially affirmed, with a number of minor editorial changes.
USA: Ordinary Chapter of OLA Province
From April 23-27, 2018, the Capitular Friars of the Province of Our Lady of the Angels in the USA gathered for their Ordinary Provincial...