On May 22-26, 2023, the Provincial Delegation in Peru hosted a continuing formation course for its recently ordained friars. The event took place at the Paz y Bien Retreat Center in Chimbote, Peru.
The participants heard a lecture by the Most Reverend Ángel Ernesto ZAPATA BANCES, O.C.D., the newly-installed Bishop of Chimbote, Peru. The bishop shared his many years of experience as a formator and his thoughts on the fulfillment of the religious vocation carried out in the priesthood. One day was dedicated to a workshop on commitment to personal growth, and another to Franciscan formation linked to the celebration of the 800th anniversary of the Later Rule.
Finally, there was some fraternal time spent at the Tortugas seaside resort, which gave the friars a chance to relax and talk about their experiences of religious life and priestly ministry.
Friar Jacek LISOWSKI