On April 25-29, 2022, the friars of the Province of St. Bonaventure in the USA gathered at the National Shrine of St. Maximilian Kolbe (Marytown) in Libertyville, Illinois (USA) to celebrate part I of their Ordinary Provincial Chapter.
After the reports were presented, the friars celebrated the installation of Friar Paul LANGEVIN as the new Minister Provincial and then went on to elect the new Definitory. Friar James CIARAMITARO was elected the Vicar Provincial and Friar Joseph SCHENK was elected the Provincial Secretary. The Definitory also includes Friars Alejandro LOPEZ, Robert COOK, and Arturo FELIX. Friar Paul SCHNEIDER was elected Provincial Econom.
As the Chapter progressed, the friars met in smaller groups to discuss the future of the Province and how to best incarnate our Conventual Franciscan charism in the everyday life of fraternity and ministry. The discussions focused on the agreed upon values from their Province Assembly: enhancing fraternal life in common, remaining in solidarity with the poor and marginalized, sanctifying society through culture and beauty, and providing a Catholic response to the needs of our time.
Given the need for increased collaboration and possible reconfigurations with other Jurisdictions of the Order, the friars expressed a concern for maintaining the particular charism and mission of the St. Bonaventure Province. To this end, the friars recently completed a two-year strategic planning process to prioritize their essential ministries and have withdrawn from two parish apostolates.
Friar Robert MELNICK