On Saturday, September 5, 2020, six confreres of the Province of St. Joseph, Spouse of the B.V.M. in Romania made their simple profession of vows. The event took place at the Sfanta Treime [Holy Trinity] Parish Church in Prăjești, Romania.
The Minister Provincial, Friar Damian-Gheorghe PĂTRAȘCU, presided over the Mass and received the vows of the confreres. The newly professed are: Friars Ștefan GÂRLEANU, Robert-Claudiu LAZAROVICI, Gabriel-Ștefan MUREȘAN, Florin-Marian NISTOR, Eusebiu-Ciprian SOLOMON and Bogdan TUPIȚĂ.
The celebration ended with a fraternal agape meal shared among the friars, their formators and other confreres who participated in the Mass.
We pledge to pray fervently for our newly professed confreres
Friar Carol-Daniel SABĂU