On Tuesday, May 10, 2022, at 7:00 p.m., the ministries of lector and acolyte were conferred upon twelve temporarily professed friars from the formation community of the “Seraphicum” International College in Rome. The event took place during Mass at the Seraphicum’s San Bonaventura chapel, with the Vicar General, Friar Jan MACIEJOWSKI, presiding.
During his homily, Friar Jan addressed the candidates and highlighted how important it is for a Franciscan to carry out ministerial service in the Church. He began with the example of St. Francis of Assisi who asked the friars to always have the Spirit of the Lord and His holy activity. The ministries of lector and acolyte are in fact two steps that the Church requires for those on the path toward priestly ordination. On this journey, it is important that they develop in the areas of listening and service, two essential qualities for any ordained minister, as Pope Francis stresses.
Those receiving the ministry of lector were Friars André Marie RAHBAR, Augustine KADDU, Benedict MSOFFE, Mateusz JĘDRAL, Moses Johnmaria FIDELIS, Paul MUTAASA, Ronnie KIBAGAJJO, Simon SHIMBE, Tomás Valerio ZEBALLO CABALLERO and Vladyslav PASHAYEV. The ministry of acolyte was conferred upon Friars Giovanni GIUSTINIANI and Roberto LIGGERI.
The celebration was attended by students and professors of the college along with a group of Urbanist Poor Clares, who have been staying at the Seraphicum these days for a formation meeting. After the celebration, the evening continued with a dinner provided for the community and the guests.
We thank the Vicar General for his visit and his edifying words. Moreover, we thank the friars in formation for their witness and for their desire to commit themselves to proclaiming the Gospel and serving at the altar. We pray for them and for all those who have embarked on a path of discernment toward the priesthood. May they persevere in their journey.
Friar Roberto LIGGERI