On Monday, May 17, 2021, Friar Jacek LISOWSKI, OFM Conv., of the Province of St. Anthony and Bl. James of Strepar in Poland (Cracow), defended his doctoral dissertation: “Francisco de Asís y la Eucaristía. Lectura de los Escritos Eucarísticos del Poverello en Clave Diacrónica y Martirial. A Propuesta” [Francis of Assisi and the Eucharist: Understanding the Eucharistic Writings of the Poverello from a Diachronic and Martyrial Perspective – A Proposal]. The dissertation defense was held at the Pontifical Theological Faculty of St. Bonaventure (Seraphicum) in Rome.
Those attending included the Minister General, Friar Carlos Alberto TROVARELLI, the Vicar General, Friar Jan MACIEJOWSKI, the Minister Provincial of Cracow, Friar Marian GOŁĄB, the Minister Provincial of the Province of Our Lady of Monserrat in Spain, Friar Juan Antonio ADÁNEZ SILVÁN, and various friars from the General Houses.
The academic event began at 4:00 p.m. in the Sixtus V Hall of the Seraphicum. The Examining Committee was composed of the following professors: Friar Stanisław BAZYLIŃSKI, President of the Commission; Friar Zdzisław J. KIJAS First Examiner; Friar Emil KUMKA, Second Examiner; and Friar Raffaele DI MURO, Dissertation Reader.
In his dissertation, the candidate explored the topic of the centrality of the Eucharist in the life and writings of the Poverello as an experience of Christ who gives himself in a total and kenotic way. For St. Francis of Assisi, the mystery of the Eucharist, together with his living the Gospel, implies a conformation to the paschal mystery of the death and resurrection of Christ, which he continued throughout his life by remaining open to the possibility of martyrdom, understood as a total gift of oneself. This aspect of Friar Jacek’s research appears prominently in the central part of his doctoral thesis. In it, he used a diachronic method to examine Francis’ writings, namely, the First and Second Letter to the Clergy, the First Letter to the Custodians, the Letter to the Rulers of the Peoples and the Earlier Rule.
After the candidate’s doctoral dissertation defense presentation, the professors on the Committee made comments and posed some questions. They appreciated the work done overall and highlighted the importance and topicality of the topic covered. At the end of the dissertation defense, the candidate was proclaimed a doctor and awarded the distinction summa cum laude. We congratulate the new doctor on his achievement and hope that the fruits of his work may find fertile ground for living the Franciscan charism in an authentic way.
Friar Theophil CIUCHEŞ