For more than thirty years, the Commission for Youth and Vocation Ministry of the Province of Our Lady of Monserrat in Spain has been publishing a prayer booklet for young people in the schools and parishes of the Jurisdiction, which they can use during the special seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter. This year, for the first time, the printed publication has been replaced by an online edition at
Each day, young people are offered an image that introduces the prayer, a passage from the Encyclical Laudato si’, a reflection that brings the content closer to the reality of youth, a prayer, and a commitment for the day.
In addition to the material for young people (and the not-so-young), the website also offers two versions specially created for children ages 3- 7 and 7 -12, to be used by the younger children in the schools.
The website is also accessible by mobile phone. Over eleven thousand visits were recorded last Advent. This shows that the initiative is being well-received. However, more than that, it shows that many people, seeking relief from haste and frenzy, find that the website is a place where they can stop, be silent and listen to the voice of God.
Finally, we believe that, in Spanish-speaking areas, the website offers good resources to share with all young people.
May all the brothers have a happy journey this Lent.
Friar Joaquín Ángel AGESTA CUEVAS