On August 16-23, 2021, the Provincial Custody of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe in Tanzania celebrated its fourth Ordinary Custodial Chapter.

The Chapter took place at the Custodial curia in Segerea, a suburb of the sweltering city of Dar-es-Salaam. Twenty-eight friars met together to celebrate Franciscan life in the spirit of the whole Order. The Minister General, Friar Carlos TROVARELLI, presided over the Custodial Chapter. He was accompanied by the Assistant General for the African Federation of Conventual Franciscans (AFCOF), Friar Anthony Bezo KUTIERO; and the Minister Provincial of the Mother Province of the Immaculate Mother of God in Poland (Warsaw), Friar Grzegorz BARTOSIK.
The Most Reverend Jude Thadaeus RUWA’ICHI, OFM Cap., Archbishop of Dar-es-Salaam, offered a spiritual introduction to the Chapter. He expressed his appreciation for the work the friars have done in the places where they are present around the country and in his diocese in particular. Furthermore, he exhorted the friars to be more generous and courageous in spreading the rich Franciscan charism to other areas of the country. He also noted how the Conventual charism is still alive, active and contemporary, especially in light of Pope Francis’ encyclicals, Laudato si’ and Fratelli tutti. Both derive from the writings of St. Francis of Assisi and both should increasingly inspire the friars.
On Wednesday afternoon, August 18, Friar Yeromini Miku MUNISHI was elected Provincial Custos on the first ballot. He is the first Tanzanian Superior in the Jurisdiction. Friar Yeromini was born on March 27, 1976. He made his simple vows in 2004, his solemn vows in 2009 and was ordained to the priesthood on July 21, 2011. Prior to his election, Friar Yeromini had served as Custodial Definitor, Vocational Promoter, Novice Master and Custodial Exactor.
Next, the members of the Definitory were elected, namely, Friars Denis Dominick KUNAMBI (Custodial Vicar); Stivin Richard KASHINJE (Custodial Secretary); Francis Daniel HIZZA (Definitor); Krzysztof CIEŚLIKIEWICZ (Custodial Econom); and Dariusz SZYMBORSKI (Custodial Exactor).
The Chapter was a time to thank the Lord for all He has done in the Custody. It was also an opportunity to reflect, and to say yes to all that the Lord has in store for the future.

Friar Stivin Richard KASHINJE, Custodial Secretary