On November 6-10, 2023, the Provincial Delegation in Ecuador conducted its annual Assembly. The event took place at the El Vergel Retreat Center located on the outskirts of Tumbaco, near Quito, the capitol of Ecuador. The retreat center is run by the Franciscan Sisters of Mary Immaculate of the Servant of God, Mother Francisca de las Llagas.

The retreat center was strategically positioned due to its geographical location, which facilitated the work of evaluating and planning the Delegation’s activities and also provided an opportunity for some rest.
On Monday, November 6, after the friars from the different communities had gathered, the Assembly began with a half day of prayer that included Mass and Eucharistic Adoration, as well as the recitation of the Rosary and Evening Prayer. The first day concluded with dinner and some fraternal discussion.
On Tuesday, November 7, the Secretary of the Delegation, Friar Jesús CEBALLOS BENAVIDES, read the minutes of the previous Assembly and the friars approved them. Next, the friars reported on the various pastoral activities of each presence in the Delegation. Various topics were discussed including the development of pastoral groups and parish communities; as well as the problems, challenges and economic issues facing each friary and parish.
After that, there was a lengthy discussion about formation. The formators of the postulancy and post-novitiate programs discussed the progress of their formation work, highlighting the difficulties and joys of guiding their young confreres.
On Wednesday, November 8, the friars discussed future missionary work and how to direct spiritual and pastoral efforts so as to contribute to the growth of the Kingdom of God and the religious community in Ecuador. Based on this discussion, the friars drew up an agenda of activities for 2024 .
Friar Michał PAGA, the Provincial Delegate in Ecuador, reported on the Assembly of the Federación América Latina Conventuales (FALC) in Paraguay, and the fraternal “Midway Meeting” in Rome.
On Thursday November 9, the friars used the day to attend to some formalities and carry out some personal civil activities. Furthermore, due to a multitude of pastoral obligations, some friars had to return to their respective friaries.
On Friday, November 10, the Assembly officially concluded with the celebration of Mass. During the liturgy, Jeann Anthony ALDAZ ABAD and Henry Renan VILLACIS REINOSO formally began the first stage of their formation as postulants, while Carlos Iván VILLACIS CALERO and Roberto Carlos BOSQUEZ SAMANIEGO began the second stage .
The meeting of the Delegation in Ecuador was an important fraternal event during which the friars addressed the joys and sorrows of doing missionary work.
The friars of the Delegation in Ecuador extend their greetings to all the friars of the Order. May the Lord bless you!