The year’s second issue of the Order’s newsletter Fraternus Nuntius is now available. It contains everything for April–June, 2022.
We invite you to read the first section (pp. 4-5) featuring Easter greetings from the Minister General, Friar Carlos TROVARELLI (p. 4). From the General Secretariat (pp. 6-10) we offer news on the papal rescript that allows a solemnly professed confrere who is not a priest to be elected as Major Superior (p. 10).
From the General Offices (pp. 11-48), the pages covering the Franciscan Centenary (p. 13) and articles from the General Postulation Office (pp. 39-42) are especially worth reading.
From the African Federation of Conventual Franciscans (pp. 50-54) we highlight the news of Uganda’s first friar deacon (p. 53). From the Centralis Europae Foederatio (pp. 55-68) there are articles on the priestly ordinations in Germany (p. 59) and Croatia (p. 60). From the Conventual Franciscan Federation (pp. 69-73) we mention the fraternal visit to Canada (p. 72). From the Federación América Latina Conventuales (pp. 74-86) we report on the diaconal ordination in Colombia (p. 74). From the Federation of Asian Minor Conventuals (pp. 87-91) we have news from Indonesia (p. 89). From the Foederatio Europae Mediae et Orientalis (pp. 92-102) there are articles on priestly ordinations in Cracow (pp. 97-98) and Gdańsk (p. 98). From the Federazione Inter-mediterranea Ministri Provinciali (pp. 103-111) we cover priestly ordinations in France (p. 109) and Romania (p. 111).
Finally, in the section on Chapters (pp. 112-133), we highlight the Ordinary Chapters of the U.S. Provinces (pp. 118, 125-127 and 132).
We invite all of our confreres to share and make available whatever news items they consider important.
Office of Communications