Inter-obediential Ongoing Formation in the Holy Land
“The Road to Emmaus” is a course of ongoing formation, experienced in the context of the Holy Land, organised and coordinated by the inter-obediential fraternity of Emmaus, in collaboration with the Custody of the Holy Land, with the “Studium Biblicum Franciscanum” of Jerusalem and with the General Curias OFM and OFM Conv.
The course is offered to OFM and OFM Conv. friars, with over ten years of solemn profession, eager to discover the joy of the encounter with the Risen One and the enthusiasm to witness to his love, following the Gospel story of the disciples of Emmaus (cf. Luke 24:30ff.). It consists of five weeks of an intense experience of reflection, fraternal sharing and pilgrimages to the holy places of the Holy Land, a true journey in the footsteps of Jesus’ disciples.
The program, carried out in Italian, will take place in the convent of St. Cleopas in Emmaus-Qubeibeh, from 28th September to 3rd November 2019. A second course in English is also being planned for dates yet to be established.
The number of participants is limited to a maximum of 12 friars (6 friars per family). They should send their applications as soon as possible and no later than 15th July 2019. The participation of each friar will be confirmed by his own General Curia by 31st July.
Thanks to a special subsidy from the respective General Curias, the cost of participating in the course will be approximately €1,300.00 per person. Each participant must provide for airline tickets and a visa for Israel.
Applications must be sent to respective Vicars General or General Secretariats to the following email addresses:
For OFM: or;
For OFM Conv.: or
Wishing you a valuable experience of the Road to Emmaus we greet you fraternally.
Friar Julio César Bunader Vic. Gen. OFM
Friat Jerzy Norel Vic. Gen. OFMConv.
The Program | The Letter |
Image: Easter Monday 2006 in Emmaus Qubeibeh © Enrique Bermejo/CTS