During the Octave of Easter, April 2-9, 2018, the friars of the friary of St. Anthony at the Baths (Vigna) in Rome, made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land for a spiritual retreat.
The pilgrimage-retreat was based on the words of the Gospel: “We would like to see Jesus” (John 12:21). Father Pietro CAMPOMINOSI led the group.
The reflections, prayer periods and the contact with the places commemorating the various events in the Gospel, were very significant for the friars and allowed them to internalize the message of Jesus Christ.
Moreover, the week gave the friars an opportunity to discuss life and strengthen the bonds of fraternity.
We sincerely ask God to grant us the ability to “come down from the mountain” and joyfully proclaim the Good News which Jesus has made resonate in our hearts.
Friar Jair del Cristo CONTRERAS LÁZARO