The Militia of the Immaculata wants to carry out effective efforts aimed at unity and sharing. For this reason, after 100 years in existence, the International M.I. is launching a specific unity initiative in order to find a common path for the Militia of the Immaculata in the Americas, a path that will join Conventual Franciscans with Missionaries of the Immaculate Conception, lay adults and young people.
September 22, 2020, was an important day. On that day, an online meeting took place that brought together a number of Spanish-speaking countries, namely, Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay and Spain.
The goal, according to Angela MORAIS, the M.I. International President, was for the M.I. to better recognize itself and increasingly grow as a family. “We are a 100 year-old institution and one of the ways that can help us achieve this goal is to come together as a continent, to find unity through language, culture and religious traditions; even if these are a little different, we are looking for common ground,” she said.
The M.I. has been growing for several years now. During this first “historic” meeting, the participants laid out strategies for further communion and communication among Spanish-speaking members of the M.I.
“This is a really important moment, because it is the beginning of a challenging path. This will certainly set an excellent example and suggest proposals for other continents to come together,” said the President.
The Militia of the Immaculata has always faced great challenges, and has always trusted the protection and guidance of the Immaculata. Inspired by St. Maximilian M. KOLBE, a proposal was made to start a magazine in his honor. Thus, on October 16, 2020, the on-line Spanish language edition of the Knight of the Immaculate magazine will be launched, using the same name that the founder of M.I. called his early magazine.
Friar Carlos TROVARELLI, OFM Conv., the Minister General and MI Assistant, gave his blessing and thanked everyone for contributing to this event. He exhorted everybody to follow the path of collaborative work with strength and courage.
The President concluded the meeting with a motivational invitation: “Let us continue like this, let us continue”.
Angela MORAIS, M.I. International President