On Saturday, November 9, 2019, Friar Manuel Edgardo NÚÑEZ GALLARDO was ordained to the priesthood by the laying on of hands and the consecratory prayer of the Most Reverend Juan Carlos BRAVO SALAZAR, Bishop of the Diocese of Acarigua-Araure in Venezuela. The ordination took place in the Church of Santa Elena in Acarigua, State of Portuguesa, Venezuela.
Many faithful took part in the celebration. They came from various dioceses and parishes, in particular, the Beata Virgen María Auxiliadora Parish in Barinas, where Friar Edgardo carried out his diaconal ministry, and from the Santíssima Trinidad Parish in Pueblo Llano where he currently resides. In addition, there were numerous diocesan priests and friars from the various communities of the Provincial Custody of Our Lady of Coromoto in Venezuela. The clerical students from San José de Cupertino formation house in Palmira animated the liturgy with song, under the direction of Friar Juan Gregorio MARTÍNEZ CANELÓN.
The following day, some friars, together with the Custos, Friar Franklin Antonio DURÁN ZAMBRANO, accompanied the new priest during the celebration of his first Mass in the Parish of Santa Elena. During the Mass, Friar Edgardo thanked God for the wonderful gift he received.
It was a time of great blessing for the whole Custody. Let us pray to our Lord Jesus Christ, the Supreme and Eternal Priest, through the intercession of our Seraphic Father St. Francis, to bless the ministry of our confrere and grant him the grace of being a holy Franciscan priest.
Friar Juan Gregorio MARTÍNEZ CANELÓN, Custodial Secretary