On March 8-10, 2023, the 130th Ordinary General Assembly of the Federazione Inter-mediterranea Ministri Provinciali (FIMP) was convened at the Casa Leonori Hotel located in the St. Mary of the Angels zone of Assisi. The FIMP Assembly was conducted during the 45th Ordinary General Assembly of the Union of the Conferences of Ministers Provincial of the Franciscan Family of Italy, which was held at the same location on March 6-10, 2023.
The first days of the larger Assembly (March 6-8) were reserved for common formation. This year, the lecturer was Professor Stefano ZAMAGNI, President of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. He helped everyone to learn more about “The Economy of Francis.”
The remaining days were devoted to the work of the individual Conferences. The Minister General, Friar Carlos TROVARELLI, participated online during the first session of the FIMP Assembly. He confirmed the commitment of the Federation in various areas. Next, the friars examined some other topics on the agenda, namely, fundraising (with a joint presentation by two experts); initial and continuing formation: the postulancy houses in Italy, the preparatory experience conducted just prior to solemn profession (second novitiate), and young friars (those in their first five years after solemn profession). Finally, the Federation voted on some amendments to its Statutes which dated back to November of 2014.
On Thursday March 9, the friars of the General Custody of the Sacred Convent invited the participants at the Assembly to join them for Evening Prayer before the tomb of St. Francis. A fraternal dinner followed in the refectory of the Sacred Convent.
The atmosphere with the Ministers Provincial of the Friars Minor and the Friars Minor Capuchin, who were also engaged in the work of their own Conferences, gave the Assembly a very broad Franciscan dimension. The two evenings spent with the friars of the Portiuncula and the Sacred Convent made for a meaningful experience. We thank the Minister Provincial of Umbria, Friar Francesco PILONI, OFM, and the Custos of the Sacred Convent, Friar Marco MORONI, for their fraternal hospitality.
Friar Marco BELLACHIOMA FIMP, Secretary