On October 21-23, 2020, the Provincial Custody of St. Bonaventure in Brazil (Maranhão) conducted a Custodial Assembly. The Assembly was led by Friar Rogério Pereira XAVIER, the Assistant General for the Federación América Latina Conventuales (FALC).
Due to the Covid-19 health crisis, the Assembly took place online, that is, the communities participated using their Internet connections at each friary. In his reflections, Friar Rogério put special stress on the Motions of the 2019 Ordinary General Chapter. He highlighted such topics as our relationship, collaboration and co-responsibility with the laity, ecological conversion, the use of new means of communication, and community initiatives for a life that is more faithful to our charism.
Every afternoon, the friars met in their individual communities to reflect on the challenging questions that Friar Rogério had posed earlier that morning. The next day, the reflections from each friary were shared with the other friars to create a sense of togetherness and promote an environment for sharing ideas and fostering the personal and spiritual growth of each friar as well as the entire Custodial community.
Finally, the Assistant General gave a brief overview on the new Constitutions. He focused mainly on the spiritual aspects of the text. Later, individual friars had an opportunity to ask questions, in particular, to learn more about the updates in the new Constitutions with respect to the previous Constitutions.
One should mention how important new technologies have been in making it possible to carry out all the activities of the Assembly in a dynamic and fraternal way, in spite of the fact that meeting in person was impossible due to the ongoing pandemic.
Friar Roberto Honorato OLIVEIRA DOS REMÉDIOS