On February 14-24, 2019, fifty-one young people from the Conventual Franciscan communities of the Delegation in Chile (Copiapó, Santiago and Curicó) participated in a summer mission in the parish of San Felipe Neri in Capitán Pastene, in Chile’s Region IX, known as the Araucanía Region.

The missionaries were guided by Friars Christian BORGHESI, Ramón ZÁS GARCÍA and Tullio PASTORELLI who led the spiritual and formative part for the young people.
The mission’s slogan was: “The Franciscans Have Come to Meet You”. The young people dedicated themselves with much passion and diligence to the planned activities, such as proclaiming the Gospel to families in the countryside, activities with children, etc. They also celebrated some liturgical and devotional events, such as Masses, baptisms and processions with the local population. During the mission, the young people built two houses for two families living in poverty.
The friars helped the missionaries grow in faith through formative activities, community prayer and moments of fraternity. In this way the friars transmitted joy, simplicity and Franciscan humility, which are indispensable elements for the generous and cheerful gift of one’s life to others.
At the end of the mission, it was clear that the young people had found the beauty and happiness of living the Franciscan spirit. They discovered the joy of giving themselves to others, and sharing faith and hope with their impoverished brothers.
Everyone went back to their daily lives full of new energy, and eager to give testimony of their faith,  according to the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi and the teaching of Pope Francis: “Joy is the air Christians breathe…Christian joy is peace” (from a homily by Pope Francis).