On May 7-10, 2018, the General Custody of Our Holy Father St. Francis in Russia celebrated the first part of its Ordinary Custodial Chapter. The Chapter was held in St. Petersburg. Also, this year marks the 25th anniversary of the refounding of our presence in Russia.
The Chapter was presided over by the Minister General, Friar Marco TASCA. Fourteen solemnly-professed friars of the Custody were gathered with him. Also present was Friar Jacek CIUPIŃSKI, the Assistant General for the Federatio Europae Mediae et Orientalis (FEMO). Friar Jacek served as a moderator at the Chapter. Friar Guglielmo SPIRITO, of the General Custody of the Sacred Convent of St. Francis in Italy (Assisi), provided the friars with a spiritual introduction to the work of the Chapter.
After reports were read and the last four-years were evaluated, Friar Dariusz HARASIMOWICZ was chosen as the new Custos. New definitors were chosen as well: Friar Andrian ZUDIN (Vicar Custos), Friar Piotr KARNIALIUK (Custodial Secretary) and Friar Viktor FRANKOVSKI (Econom and Exactor).
May thanks went to the former Custos, Friar Nikolay DUBININ for having led the Custody for three consecutive four-year terms. Thanks also to thee outgoing Definitory members: Friars Andrzej BUKO, Adam NOWAK, Stanislaw WÓJTOWICZ, Dariusz HARASIMOWICZ and Michał GRUSZKA. These men shared the responsibility of the Custody with the Superior for the last five years.
At the same time, on behalf of all the confreres, we pray that the Holy Spirit may always shine his light upon the new Custos and his collaborators as they guide the Custody in the future.
The second part of the chapter will take place September 10-13, 2018, in St. Petersburg.
Friar Jacek CIUPIŃSKI Assistant General for the FEMO