On June 6-8, 2018, the Postulator General, Friar Damian Gheorghe PĂTRAŞCU went to Sicily.
The Postulator was invited to this area with the blessing of Friar Gaspare LA BARBERA, the Minister Provincial of the Conventual Franciscan Province of St. Agatha and St. Lucy in Italy (Sicily), to ascertain the status of the cause of the Venerable Friar Luigi LO VERDE and to examine the witness of faith given by Friars Matteo LA GRUA (1914-2012) and Francesco Maria RANDAZZO (1907-1977).
While the reputation of holiness of Venerable Brother Louis LO VERDE continues to grow, and many people of God already pray for his intercession, the reputation of holiness enjoyed by the other two confreres is very promising. Friar Matteo LA GRUA was well known as a powerful exorcist and an attentive confessor for many faithful. Friar Francesco Maria RANDAZZO was an effective and very devout evangelizer for the Immaculate Virgin, foundress of the Missionaries of the Militia of the Immaculate. The Missionaries continue the Blessed Virgin’s work through writing and witness.
Finally, heartfelt thanks to the Minister Provincial, who accompanied the Postulator during his three days spent in Sicily.
Friar Damian PĂTRAŞCU, Postulator General