Tag: temporary profession
Poland: Simple Profession and Vesting
On September 14, 2019, two friars completed their novitiate year and professed temporary vows. They were Friars Siergiej ANOKHIN of the General Custody of...
Zambia: Province Events
The Province of the Franciscan Protomartyrs in Zambia celebrated some special religious events in August of 2019.
On Sunday, August 4, four novices (above) professed...
Ghana: First Profession
On Saturday, July 27, 2019, four novices from Ghana and one from Burkina Faso made their first profession of vows in Saltpond, Ghana.
The celebration...
Vietnam: Vows and Ordinations
This past August 18th, 2018 four friars made their solemn profession of vows and three friars made their temporary profession of vows in the...
Romania: solemn and temporary vows
On September 8 and 9, 2018, seven friars of the Province of Saint Joseph, Spouse of the B.V.M. in Romania professed vows: three solemn...