On October 16-20, 2018, the Delegate General for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (GPIC) and the Secretary General for Missionary Animation (SGAM) visited the Province of the Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M. in Japan, where they set up various meetings to discuss missionary work.
The animation meetings took place at the fraternities of Nagasaki and Tokyo. Both friaries in this part of the world were places of silence and recollection, which fostered listening to the Word of God and the friars, in an atmosphere of profound communion.
Friar Joseph BLAY (GPIC) and Friar Jarosław WYSOCZAŃSKI (SGAM) carried out two community meetings attended by about fifteen friars from the Province. The animation focused on issues related to missionary spirituality; Pope Francis’ Evangelii gaudium and Laudato sii documents; the letter of the Minister General, Friar Marco TASCA, “Forging Unity in Mission”; the missionary situation in our Order; and the themes of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation.
Plenty of time was given to discuss the pastoral experience in Peru regarding the life, martyrdom and beatification of our confreres Miguel TOMASZEK and Zbigniew STRZAŁKOWSKI.
On the last day of the visit, the participants gathered around the altar to celebrate Mass and to pray for all of our missions.
Friar Jarosław WYSOCZAŃSKI, SGAM Secretary General