On December 18, 2019, the friars of the Friary of St. Anthony at the Baths (La Vigna) hosted the Minister General, Friar Carlos TROVARELLI, and his Definitory, for an evening of Christmas fraternity.
The friars first prayed Evening Prayer together in the friary’s famous chapel. Next, they gathered in the refectory for a small Christmas celebration. At that time, they sang the traditional Christmas carol “Silent Night” in different languages. Next, they listened to some opening remarks by the Minister General and afterwards participated in the rich Polish tradition of the opłatek [the breaking and sharing the Christmas wafer]. This is a symbolic gesture where each friar offers best wishes to his brother and forgives him. The ceremony made for a delightful evening, providing a deeper understanding of one of the most beautiful aspects of Christmas—being part of a family.
This year, 2019-20, the La Vigna fraternity is comprised of seventeen solemnly professed friars from nine different countries: Zambia, Brazil, Colombia, Croatia, Kenya, Mexico, Poland, the USA and the Philippines. The community is guided by its Guardian, Friar Robert LEŻOHUPSKI. The concrete and specific mission of the community is its commitment to ongoing and integral formation, with an eye towards a deeper conformity to Christ in the footsteps of St. Francis. In addition to living out the Conventual Franciscan charism, its particular means include study; the value of interculturality in the common life; and the possibility of acquiring a great wealth of experiences thanks to the many opportunities that Rome offers.
The fraternity of St. Anthony at the Baths